Numbeo Data: Canberra Has the Highest Quality of Living Worldwide is the world’s largest network which produces content about countries and cities that is generated by users. According to Numbeo data, Canberra, Australia’s largest inland city and its eighth-largest city, has the highest quality of living on Earth.

This rating for quality of life is based on house price to income ratio, healthcare, purchasing power, climate index, pollution, cost of living, safety, and traffic commute time. Canberra has placed first on the website five times now, and the experts at Australia Immigration Professionals state that many people are moving to Australia due to the high quality of life factor.


International flights between the New Zealand capital of Wellington and Australia’s capital of Canberra will likely keep two of the world’s most liveable countries connected. The top ten highest quality of life cities also included the Australian cities of Adelaide, Brisbane, and Melbourne; the city of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom; Zurich in Switzerland; the Canadian city of Edmonton; Vienna in Austria; and Germany’s Munich. The Numbeo statistics are taken from various places including websites of supermarkets and taxis, newspaper articles, surveys, and government institutions.

In 2014, Canberra was ranked by an OECD report to be the top ranking region in the world for general well-being, which included jobs, safety, civic engagement, broadband capabilities, income, health, housing, and education. Australia Immigration Professionals is a private immigration service that helps foreign nationals with their application and visa process to move to Australia to live, study, and work.

The OECD also gave the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), where Canberra is located, a perfect score for items such as average disposable income, crime, top Australian rating, and voter turnout.

In the 2016 QS Best Student Cities ranking, Canberra was in the top 20 for best cities for students worldwide. According to Australia Immigration Professionals, “Many immigrants and their families are finding a new life in Canberra and throughout all of Australia.” Contact them today for more information on moving to Australia to live, study, and work!

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